Thursday, 5 December 2019


Harold Ive never seen this twinkle. These are not necessarily terms found outside this document, but are simply the way that this document describes the category. There are however various ways that you can influence the performance and quality of the ground rendering. Get tips for how to make your Trainz experience better, join content creators around the globe and gain access to a vast pool of information. Large Scenery is anything from roughly the size of a house upward. Casper very carefully picked this angle because if it was offset by even 1 degree it would ruin the whole screenshot.

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There's a very thin line down the center - this is the other plane. John I agree some of our best speedtreez can look a bit too well groomed.

Chat with your fellow Trainz enthusiasts and join the ever growing community at our forums. In the past, creators including Auran have modelled large composites eg.

Login to Trainz Gallery and "follow", "vote" and "favourite" some of the best trains content from the Trainz community. And they are small It is also possible to create a tree as spredtree regular scenery asset.

Question about Speed Trees

Falcus Edited to Add: The first shot, in the dark. I am working on a route, Ohio based three years in the making.

If we assume that Trainz allows three textures per vertex, then this means that there are up to 9 possible textures applied to any ground triangle simultaneously. The ground height collapses to a "mid level" without any raising or lowering. In this case, a decision must be made as to how much of the scenery object to animate.

Learn how to get the most out of Trainz with this series of in-depth videos. Where multiple objects are going to be placed over a wide area, clutter should be used rather than Detail Scenery, however speedgree are many cases where individual placement is desired. Distances indicate the approximate range in which the LOD will be visible.

Ground Textures are an efficient way to provide a base coverage for the Trainz environment, whether that coverage is grass, sand, rock, gravel, trrainz.

THE STANDARD FOR VEGETATION modeling and middleware

These are much higher quality than traditional Trainz ground textures and if properly constructed don't suffer from regular tiling in the same way that older textures could.

Most rolling stock is considerably simpler than most locomotives however, so as a result the typical rolling stock models will be substantially lower polygon at the same distance when compared to a locomotive. This is not mandatory, speevtree it is spsedtree the simplest way to build an efficient-but-attractive tree.

Even in this shot you hand-picked and no offence to Casperthe textures are obviously low-res and jagged around the edges. Scenery objects in Speetdree are not expected speedyree move animate over large distances. The perfect camera facing photographic image is retained throughout the camera movement for all trees within camera view regardless of their position, near or far.

Minor Scenery is anything larger than a rock or pot-plant or garbage can, but smaller than a house. If the object is high-poly, and only a small amount of the object is to be animated, it may be worth splitting it into two meshes- one static and one animated. Trees are typically handled different from other scenery, so they're given their own category in this document.

Trees, Trees And More Trees

Dricketts What route is that? The other thing is why do we nwwed trees that ttainz around. Where an animation is required, it should be provided by the use of minor scenery items that users may then use in conjunction with the large scenery or separately as they tdainz. My question is, in heavy hilly areas I normally use mcguirrels ust ultra speed trees.

I have several in game videos posted of my route using pofig's trees.

Dealing with Speedtree not showing in list issues | Shane's Trainz Information and Tutorial Site

The bad thing about games like FC4 is that they show how far ahead all the big game producers are in terms of graphics. It would be good if this could be eliminated.

We can then fill in the base with some undergrowth, which usually grows just along the edges of the forest near the meadows, tdainz leave the rest alone with dark earth underneath.

Having been on the other end of the spectrum for most of my life currently sitting somewhere in the middleI know the frustration of not being spwedtree to "Do what the other guys are" because of the lack of computing power In this scenario, it will be your responsibility to create the necessary animations, LOD, etc.

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