Friday, 6 December 2019


The event can be scheduled either during this year's E3 in Los Angeles, California or later this year in Bristol, England. Just some of the features which will be included are: Will you aid our heroes or seek to hinder their adventure? Share this project Done. In only a few months of part-time development, the game is already looking fantastic. We'll invite you to join us while we film an episode of Shadow of Israphel and you will play a part in the adventure! Questions about this project? yogventures kickstarter

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Yogscast statement addresses Yogventures Kickstarter funding questions

Share this project Done. These will feature all your favorite characters from our series, the heroic Honeydew and Xephos, the bumbling wizard Fumblemore, the raucous Professor Griswold, the Knight formerly known as Old Peculier, and many more! Since we'll be helping to develop the game we'll be able to ask YOU the players what features you want and actually have them created; this game will be the ultimate mod where anything we can dream we can build!

We will contact you and work with you to add a custom block, apparatus, decoration, creature, NPC, weapon or other item of your choice into kickwtarter game! The characters of Honeydew and Xephos and all the others have sprung to life out of these amazing journeys and we think it's time to give them a game all yyogventures own.

Last updated July 19, We'll invite you to join us while we film an episode of Shadow of Israphel and you will play a part in the adventure! Estimated delivery Oct We feel incredibly lucky to have been given the opportunity to entertain you as we play games made by other people. Kikstarter is going to be an open world sandbox game designed first and foremost as a kickstaeter experience.

Yogventures! by Winterkewl Games LLC — Kickstarter

We started concept work and pre-production during our trip to Los Angeles in Octoberwhich might help to explain how we ended up visiting Dreamworks in this video:. The game will allow you to create and shape worlds, then easily share them and play with friends! Beautiful, randomly-generated game worlds that are different every time you start a new Yogventure Fully shapeable terrain - with the ability for players to yogevntures a mountain range or create a vast ocean; you can oickstarter shape your world however you imagine it A wealth of novel building materials, kickstarterr, NPCs and items A kickstaarter underground to mine and explore - bristling with rare outcroppings of gems and crystals, hidden tombs and dark underground terrors that drop rare weapons and loot A fully-fleshed out crafting system An in-game physics engine that will even effect the blocks you place in your creations The ability to customise your own unique avatar or play as one of your favourite Yogscast characters Easy-to-use in-game modding API including in-game scripting Ability for modders to have a chance to get their work added to the game Regularly released video updates from the developers including the latest feature additions.

One for you and one for a friend!

The game oygventures technology called "Marching Cubes" which allows us to generate fantastic new world terrain that is random and editable.

They are a team of talented indie developers based in and around Hollywood, California. You will also get access to the game during the closed BETA at the end of the year.

What will Yogventures be like?

Questions about this project? In the game at least! Also, a great big thank you to the families and friends of Winterkewl Games who have been so supportive during all this pre-production. Support Select this reward.

yogventures kickstarter

But in an email to backers intended to address "misinformation in the media and elsewhere," Brindley wrote that the entire sum went toward promoting the game, and that it did in fact make an kickstatrer to hire a programmer.

We couldn't have gotten this far without your love and yogentures, and we'll need you even more during production. Reward no longer available 5 backers. This low price is only available to those who have kickstarted Yogventures!

For the past four years we've shared experiences together in World of Warcraft, a wealth of betas and new releases, and of course ,ickstarter most popular Minecraft series Shadow of Israphel. Countless times we've felt limited by games and come across features we have wished we could change. Check out the FAQ. You'll also receive exclusive registration to the development forum - where YOUR input will shape the direction kickstatrer features added to the game. Winterkewl would deliver the game and Yogscast would receive a portion of the Kickstarter money.

yogventures kickstarter

And of course this means we'll be launching an even more epic and amazing video series to run alongside the release of Yogventures - potentially even featuring maps that you have made. Will you aid our heroes or seek to hinder their adventure?

It could be you who forges 'Dave! But that's not all - there will be other gameplay modes to play alone or together, and we will be kicking off your imagination by making brand new adventures for you to play! You and your friend will also get access to the game during the yogvengures BETA at the end of the year. Also you will get the opportunity to name a special weapon, NPC or location in Yogventures!

This means the terrain will be vast, interesting and fully destructible - you'll be able to diggy diggy as much as you like or just say 'Balls to it!

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